AquaSilk Detergent Series
Tyflong offers a portfolio of slurries, concentrated suspension liquids, detergents, anti-foaming liquids, and grinding fluids products.
AquaSilk Q detergent series are water-based, ultrasonic/megasonic detergents formulated to increase the cavitational energy released upon substrate surfaces for more effective cleaning. Used at economical dilution ratios, AquaSilk Q series remove light organics and sub-micron particles. They are typically used to remove post-process residues after grinding, slicing, lapping, etching and polishing.
AquaSilk Q series can be used in heated or unheated ultrasonic tanks, and are also recommended for brush and dip tank applications.
Superior wetting ability
Free rinsing – leave no film or residue
Economical and safe to use
pH @ 3% = ~ 10.4
AquaSilk Q series are recommended for use at 3% with deionized or tap water that does not contain hard water ions. Since the type and degree of residue to be removed varies, these factors will ultimately determine the optimal dilutions.
Tyflong International Inc.
Phone: 1 530 746 3001 Fax: 1 530 231 2887
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