Tyrox® Flat Glass and Mirror Polishing Powders
A line of premium grade abrasive based polishing compounds designed for flat glass and mirror industry.
Engineered in the U.S., manufactured with a proprietary method, Tyrox abrasive particles don't wear out as quickly as competitors products. They are capable of working longer without requiring you to add material to maintain polish quality; resulting in less material consumption and reduced operating cost.
Capable of producing a high quality polish on beveled mirrored glass with a 2 - 3 Baume reading (2 - 3% concentration) at a reasonable feed rate. With superior suspension and cleaning agents built into the compounds, the abrasive particles will not settle hard and the slurry can be easily cleaned off the finished surface and machinery.
Tyrox® 90
A premium grade polishing powder engineered to produce high material removal rate (MRR) and outstanding surface finish.
Tyrox 90 has been well liked by the flat glass and mirror industry for well over a decade.
Tyrox 90 has a tightly controlled particle size distribution. The powders are extremely durable and exhibit extra long life. Customers have reported a 30-50% consumption reduction when switched from competition.
Tyrox 90 is zinc free and does not have any organic additives.
Avg. particle size d50
Maximum particle size:
2.5 - 3.0 µm
15 µ
Tyrox® 729
A high performance optical grade polishing powder, Tyrox 729 produces optical quality surface finish while exhibits a good usage life. 729 is an all purposes general polish that performs well across a wide range of applications; edging and beveling, manual and shape polish, mirror line pre-silvering cleaning, commerical precision optical polishing. 729 particles do not settle to form hard caking.
Tyrox 729 has an average particle size of 1.5-2.5 microns. Tyrox 729 is zinc free and does not have any organic additives.
Avg. particle size d50
Maximum particle size:
1.5 - 2.5 µm
8 µ
Tyrox® 4000
A high purity polishing compound designed for the flat glass and precision optics industries, 4000 has a tightly controlled particle size distribution; manufactured with strict Dmax control. 4000 can produce high quality scratch free surfaces with very low levels of surface roughness.
4000 suspension system ensures soft settling and no hard caking after extended static periods. 4000 powders will not stick to machine/plumbing or glass surface. 4000 has excellent cleanability due to its built-in cleaning agents.
Avg. particle size d50
Maximum particle size:
1.2 - 1.7 µ
10 µ
Tyrox® 9070
Tyrox 9070 is designed for for making resin and rubber based polishing wheels and polishing pads. 9070 particle size distribution, powder mophology, suspension, and chemical composition have been carefully engineered to ensure the powders blend well and are easy to formulate.
Avg. particle size d50
Maximum particle size:
2.5 - 3.5 µ
6 µ
Tyrox® 9702
Tyrox 9702 is a premium grade, high purity, abrasive based polishing powder. 9702 is a versatile product that performs well across a wide range of polishing applications. It works well with different polishing wheels and polishing pads.
9702 particles are treated to prevent agglomeration in the slurry; the sediment stays soft and is easy to be stirred back into suspension. 9702 can also be used for manual polish and cleaning the glass surface before coating is applied.
Avg. particle size d50
Maximum particle size:
1.5 - 2.5 µ
10 µ
Tyflong International Inc.
Phone: 1 530 746 3001 Fax: 1 530 231 2887
Copyright (c) 2023 Tyflong Inernational Inc.